Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] TZZZ... Ow, that really hurt!

OOC:sorry i've not been posting but I got removed from
the list again...
sorry I don't post that much to begin with but its
hard its like watching double dutch and waiting for
the perfect moment to jump in. This place is so messed
up (and I love that way) but it does make it hard to
post sometimes. I will keep trying though.
This will be a short one, but its 4am and I am really
scared about what will happen if I just let myself
Sgt. Katy Roskev
After starting a bar fight and arresting the people
she didn't like, she headed down to where she saw a
couple of guys zapping some other guy.
She stood there for a moment then said
conversationaly, "you guys might want to stop that?"
One looked at her "this is lenin..."
The person named lenin choose that moment to yell
"damn you all capitalist pigs!!"
Wherein Roskev replied, "nevermind I can see this is a
act that will benefit all of humanity..carry on.."
Twirling a night stick she left whistling Pink Flyod's
"The Wall".
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