Im REALLY enjoying this * sarcasm mode off*

L'ornt looked at L'ontar who was sat staring out
across the bleak landscape that appeared to constantly
" You know something?" began L'ornt hoping to start a
conversation L'ontar just grunted. L'ornt continued
" I've been talking to you recuntly because you and I
go way back." L'ornt continued explaining ho9w he and
L'ontar used to be old war buddies who ended up stuck
together for the rest fo eternity on allways the
logical voice of the other.
L'ontar turned and looked at the GELF next to him and
stared at him for what felt like an eternity. Slowly
recognicioun crept across his face he smiled and shook
L'ornt by the hand asking him if he would care to
return to theBlue Dwarf with him.
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