Niples + Katrina "Sickbay calls"

Seymour Niples
Blue Dwarf
Express lift
Katrina helped the injured Niples into the lift. The cheerful AI asked their destination.
"Medi-bay please" Said katrina as Seymour bled everywhere. He was finding it hard to stay conscious with all the blood loss.
"So, are you having a good day?" Asked the happy lift personality.
"My boyfriend is bleeding to death after a battle with an alternate and very evil version of myself. Do you think I'm having a good day?" Katrina snarled at the lift.
"Geez, I was just making conversation!" said the computerised voice.
**A few minutes later, Medibay**
Katrina dragged Seymour through the door. The captain could barely stand anymore so his feet trailed along the ground.
"Doctor! I need a doctor!" Shouted the janitor, hoisting her boyfriend onto a bed. His space-suit was covered with blood now, DK's knife must have gone very deep. But Seymour was still conscious, his eyes struggled to keep open. He focussed on Katrina and squeezed her hand as he lie there.
Katrina yelled again for a Doctor. Service seemed to be a little slow today. She noticed a small soviet symbol spraypainted to the wall but chose to ignore it.
Allie Fletcher ran into the room and looked around, she saw the captain and ran over.
Seymour looked up and saw that she was wearing his jacket, the Captain's jacket.
"Captain... Mr. Niples" Allie said. "I thought I heard you'd come back aboard, I wanted to know how you were."
"Captain Fletcher!" Seymour wheezed. "So what happened to Whitewolf? He should be in charge when I'm.... incapacitated."
Allie sighed with relief as he spoke her name, he obviously must remember everything once again.
"Erm... A lot has happened while you were.... erm... in the past few weeks. Whitewolf is now the size of a normal hamster, Dr. Cerebrum has started a communist revolution and we're being flown into a blackhole by Vinny Soprano."
"Sounds like a normal month on the Blue Dwarf." Seymour laughed and winced in pain as he did so.
"So I suppose you want all command transferred back to you then Captain?" Said Allie, removing the jacket.
"I'm in no fit state at the moment miss Fletcher as you can see, but I will want to get back to my old job in a few days. Just make sure my desk is neat and tidy before you leave."
"Yes Sir" Smiled Allie.
"But Seymour, you need at least a few weeks to rest." Nagged Katrina. "I was looking forward to having to nurse you!"
Seymour stroked Katrina's soft face with his hand. "My sweet Katrina, I'll be as good as new in no time- All I need is one of Dr. Keto's marvellous ointments and I'll be as right as rain."
Allie and Katrina exchanged worried glances.
"What's the worse that could happen? I get turned into a chicken or grow to be as big as a house?" he said rhetorically.
"You may laugh sir...." said Allie.
<Tag. Where's Keto?!!!!>
*****************************************************Captain Seymour Niples, JMC Blue Dwarf*****************************************************"WE'VE LOST THRUSTERS!" Jay announced.."I've lost control of the shuttle....were gonna crash..EVERYBODY TO THE BACK! NOW!...except you Keto come sit on the dashboard..."                          (Andy Longman, Jay Chrysler, JMC Blue Dwarf)---------------------

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