Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Charge

> With a thundering roar, the explosives that had been
> fixed to the door exploded, and blew inwards,
> concussing Tom. The Red Scutter Army swarmed in,
> armed with AK-47s, propaganda pamphlets and signs
> that said, 'Long Live Classical Music!'
Watching the red Army charge from where he was hiding
behind a pile of crates, Armer pulled out another gun.
(He had run out of ammo for his 45).
Unfortunately, due to the uncharacteristic generocity
he had exhibited earlier all he could find was a 9 mm
a 10mm and a .32 which hadn't made contact with the
lotion. They were all two small for him to use! In
desperation, Armer checked his ankle holster, and
found a .22 revolver that had grown.
Wishing he had found something larger he looked over
at where Dean was hiding. "Who' on the other side of
that door? If it's Vinny, then we should let those
two maniacs from the past fight it out between
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