The Dwarf awaits ...

Dear all,
It's great to be back! Hopefully all our differences are behind us and we can look forward to some great times. By the way, I was just wondering whether The BDT is still operative ...
Now onto some relevant ... er ... stuff.Doctor Christopher Davison
Sent back in Time,
[This is set after this plot finishes, so I'm not really involved in whatever is going on]Back in 2308 ...
"Now, we must warn you that you're never coming back. You will permenantly be in that time zone."
Professor Ellie Brayden finished adjusting the time dials and explaining the long and boring ... er ... explanations.
"So," said Dr. Davison, "if I'm never coming back in time, how will you know the experiment worked?"
"Well, we don't. You could end up split into fragments by Time."
"Hang on!"
Before Christopher Davison could do anything, he was sent back in time, back to another era ...Now, January 31st, 2102 ...
A pod of incoming crew members was flying towards the Blue Dwarf. When I say a pod of incoming crew members, I mean about one. Some lowly technician. This technician, however, had only about three seconds to live.
Three ...
Two ...
The time field opened and Dr. Christopher Davison appeared, sending the technician back down the time field. Most likely stunning the time crew back in 2308.
"Where am I going then?"
The doctor looked at a computer screen.
"Crew Pod 00494782938392839382382 - Blue Dwarf. Interesting ... what year is this?"
Dr. Davison looked at a convenient calender on the nearby screen.
"2102! That's over 200 years ago! It's pretty convenient that I wasn't good at history ..."
So the doctor waited for the pod to arrive at the Blue Dwarf ...
Well, my first post! Glad to be back!My Yahoo!
- It's My Yahoo! Get your own!

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