not so fast!!!! I can fly!

"SSSS>>>>, shahahaaaaaakinnnnnnhhhhhgggggg meeee!"
he cried.
"Ooops sorry."
Phil leaned in close to Dean. "You wann get you own back on Keto? If you do
I got an idea..."
<END SNIP, (jeez, all that shaking gave me a headache!)>
"Hmm.... sounds interesting..." said Dean, "do tell me more..."
"Well, come up to my shoulder here,"
"Alright, wait a minute, just let me climb up here, erm.. could you kinda
straighten your arm out? It makes it less steep." squeaked Dean.
"Oh sure...."
yell stopped them all, just in time to see him fly past MR WD-40, knocking
WW off his perch, then they both hit Zodar, who had been holding Armer close
to his mouth talking to him, and so Armer disappeared into his mouth, then
WW and Dean hit the floor and bounced landing in someone's pocket.
"Whew! safe landing." said Dean.
"Yeh, said WhiteWolf, "what were you playing at?"
"QUICK! He's choking! someone, HELP HIM!" shouted Eve.
Dean "I can fly!" Thomas
<OOC: sorry Armer...>
Madness Takes Its Toll, Please have Exact Change
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