All things come to an end

Major Harris
Near where the BD disappeared
The Red Harring
The Major glared out the window out into the darkness of space, to
the last know location of the Blue Dwarf before the giant rust bucket
had disappeared and hadn't been since, the ship that had been his
home for the last year or two. Wasn't easy to tell, specially after
being displaced in time.
Harris' reflection in the glass glared back at him but Harris not
little notice of his own reflection but directly beyond it out into
the darkness.
"Is this where you image yourself to be?" Harris muttered quietly to
The Major was alone, none of the crew of the Red Harring around to
bother him. Not that they would, they were too dull, well and truly
dull in every sense of the word. They were the other end of the
stick when compared to that of the crew of the Blue Dwarf who's crew
was best described as the biggest collection of loonies, madmen/women
and general strange very to be collected into the one place.
"Standing at the crossroads." Harris once again muttering to
himself. On one road was to hold here, wait for the BD to reappear
and on the other was to go, see what other options fate threw up on
the other path.
"Darren." Jill, the two thirds deranged computer and Harris'
constant companion, spoke up from the watch she was stored within.
"What." Harris quietly commented, no longer caring that Jill never
seemed to be able to get his name right.
Of all his choices he had made Jill was one of his most questionable,
once she had been an brilliant computer AI, the model previous to the
current Holly generation of computers. But that was to change when
she had become corrupted, becoming two thirds insane. It was decided
that she be deleted and then replaced, but Harris had stepped in,
downloaded Jill from the computer mainframe and had kept her secret
ever since.
"Have you had a look over the passenger listings?" Jill enquired.
"What have you seen Jill?" Harris enquired.
Donover, Lloyd and running amok security
The Blue Dwarf
Lloyd leaned over the rail looking down upon the chaos that ensured
upon the promenade, mobs of security hunting down ammo for their
giant rubber band to launch at the promenade shops and two armies of
scutters painted either white or red right among each other.
"How many times has McDonalds been destroyed?" Donover enquired,
keeping back away from the rail in case of HFO (high flying objects).
There came the sound of insane laughter, a chainsaw running and then
angry shouting as there came the sound of a chainsaw ripping up the
"He's fallen over again, Gov." Lloyd commented about the chainsaw
wielding nutter and watching as he raced along the floor, being
pulled by the chainsaw. "I've lost count of how many times McDonalds
has been destroyed. Maybe they should remain it the mended drum."
"Next time when we are meant to be I'm leaving." Donover commented.
"What?" Lloyd said surprised.
"There's has to be a ship out there where nothing interesting
happens." Donover commented. "Besides I have no idea on how much
longer I wish to risk death from my own department!"
A HFO, a potted planet in fact, flew up in front of the rail where
Lloyd was leaning and then plummeted down with a crash.
"They are wild are they." Lloyd mildly commented.
"Wild doesn't describe it when they're in full run amok mode."
Donover told Lloyd.
"Well, Gov." Lloyd started. "It was good serving with you."
The Red Harring
Harris looked around from the corner of the mess hall at all the dull
members of this ship's crew.
"You sure about this Jill!" Harris demanded of Jill keeping it quiet
enough to ensure that no one else heard.
"She's here on this ship!" Jill replied. "Maybe she wasn't come out
of cryo-status from the hyperdive jump yet."
"What would she be doing on this ship?" Harris enquired.
"Maybe looking for you." Jill guessed. "Maybe you should ask
someone if they have seen her."
The Blue Dwarf
Somewhere within the maze of vents
Fingers scurried around the vents like a mouse with a cat on his
tail. The sound of rumbling water grew louder and when it finally
overtook the thief he commented. "I hate this ship."
Moments later Fingers was dropped out of the vents into a empty
corridor. Finger uncurled himself of the wet untidy mess he was and
stood up.
"That's it!" The thief commented. "I cannot take anymore of this!
First chance I get I am off this ship!"
The thief then looked around and then commented. "Why am I talking
to me self?"
The Red Harring
Harris walked along the promenade looking around at the people, crew,
shop owners and civilians as they passed by. Thankfully the red
Harring was nowhere as big as the Blue Dwarf and only had about 200
people aboard. But still, finding one person among 200 was not going
to be an easy task to begin with.
"Maybe you can ask to use the ships' intercom?" Jill mused.
"Now why would they let me at the ships' intercom?!" Harris muttered.
"Because you are Frank 'Nutter' Harris!" Jill commented. "All you
need to do is go up to the command room, demand the use of the
intercom and there you have it."
"Oh forget it!" Harris muttered annoyed. He had enough of this game
of cat-and-mouse.
Twenty minutes later
There he was, where Jill had first informed him that she was aboard.
Must glaring out at the darkness of space once again.
"Lovely aren't they." A voice came from beside him.
Odd, was Harris' first thought, never heard anyone moving beside.
"The stars." The voice said again. "Hello Frank."
Harris turned to face the owner of the voice.
"Jules." Harris commented in wonder as he looking upon his sister.
Julia Harris smiled and then hugged her brother.
"Been too long, Frank." Julia said as she broke the embrace. She
brushed a lock of her long dark behind her ear.
"Too long indeed." Frank replied.
Four days later
Colonel David Green's office
"Right, now." Colonel Green muttered. "Fold point D to point E and
we are finished. Ha, beaten you at last!"
The Colonel held up one of those foldaway maps that almost everyone
had trouble folding away once they had unfolded the damn thing. He
put it away into his desk draw and then started to foldaway the
foldaway instructs he had bought to aid in his folding away of the
Five minutes later
Colonel Green looked down in dismay at the large paper ball that once
had been the folding away instructions booklet.
A screen in the wall blinked into life and the face of his aid
appeared. "Sorry to disturb you sir but you have an incoming
"From who?" Green asked pushed the paper ball out of sight.
"Major Harris, sir." The aid answered.
"The Blue Dwarf has reappeared?!" Green asked.
"No." The aid replied. "It's just the Major."
"Oh for the love of god." Green muttered. "Put him on."
The face of the aid was replaced with that of the Major, sitting
behind a desk leaning back on a chair.
"Yes Major?" Green enquired.
"Oh, just calling to say I've got some news." Harris said.
"What news?!" Green asked dreading the answer.
"I had left the Blue Dwarf and now the head of security of one of the
border colonies with an actual security department not like the pack
of loonies you stuck me with last time. Plus this time its' hell f a
lot closer to family." Harris told the Colonel and then he grinned
giving the Colonel shivers down his spine. "Be seeing ya."
With that the screen had gone black.

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