A Revolution? Oh Great!

Katrina hung up the payphone, exasperated with Seymour's nonchalant manner
with the revolution. The PITAs bickered at her feet over whether to join the
revolution and bring it down from the inside or just die right then and
"What did he say?" Allie asked urgently.
"Nothing," Katrina shrugged. "He's a bit busy at the moment. He is the
Captain, after all."
"Ah, frell," Allie mumbled. "So, what are we supposed to do? Those
Revolutionaries will find us soon. Are you going to join the Revolution?"
"Viva La Revolution!" cat Pita exclaimed.
Katrina swiped at him. "Shut up!" She turned back to Allie. "Of course not.
We're just going to have to go into hiding for a while."
Allie was about to agree, when a voice yelled behind them, "Citizens! Are you
friends or enemies of the Revolution?"
The females turned to the Plebian soldier holding a gun an inch away from
Allie's forehead. The PITAs took off running.
"Cowards!" Katrina yelled after them.
"Uh, you know, we haven't decided which side to take yet," Allie told the
Plebian slowly. "Neither of us are good at quick decisions."
"Undeciders are enemies of the Revolution," the Plebian spat. "You will die,
Katrina ducked behind Allie in fright. Allie grinned. "You can't kill me,
gimboid. I'm a hard-light hologram, which means, you pathetic look-a-like of
a human, I'm already dead. Your gun is useless."
The Plebian looked confused. He didn't move, but appeared to be thinking. He
(What does he do, Allie?)

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