(no subject)

Who:- THe imprisoned prisoners,all imprisoned and in prison
Where:- Prison, they're prisoners, therefore, in prison
When:- after they were put in prison and before they were let out of
"Ok that's nice and all but how are we going to get out of here
without steppin on ma blue swade shoes?" Dean said from the vent...
end snippy-poo
"First things first" said Alota, "we get outta this cell, THEN figure
a way outta the complex"
"And back to the campsite and warn the captain" Kayn put in.
"Maybe I can melt these bars" Zodar suggested
His hair 'poofed' into flame, his eyes blackened, Pyrogen was back.
Trying to look, cool, and dangersous at the same time he strutted
menacingly over to the bars.
"Relax Ladies and gents, i'll have us outta here in a jif"
Zo rolled up his sleeves, cracked his knuckles and reched for the
The cellmates wathed as Zodar was hurled backwards across the cell
and into the wall opposite, colliding with a thump and falling to the
floor, whimpering.
"Electrified bars, who'da thought" Kayn said.
"What?!" came Armers voice, "Whats happening, we free yet?"
Jay looked up at the vent, Climbing onto the bunk below he pulled the
grate off the front, and gazed down the shaft.
Alota, getting used to understanding her husbands accelerated garbles
"More than likely Einstein, but who's gonna fit in there"
"Well...Tara's a shape shifter now.."
"She's also suffering with amnesia, ok so shes more up to date now
but It wouldnt be a good idea to make her go for her sake"
"Jay...be realistic will ya"
"Or Jay." Alota said bluntly "I could teleport out and grab the keys
from that guard." she said pointing.
"Or there is that yeah..."
<Ok I'll raise 20...who else is in?>

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