Clicking Put

End of Kayn's post
"The jumping out of the tree while plumetting to your death trick!" James
sighed, "How many times have I seen that before?"
"Don't worry, you did your best," Biff sighed holding his hand.
They gazed into each other's eyes....
"I think I've done it!" Efof shouted, "I think I actually hate them!"
"Congrats," James said, slightly annoyed.
"Now lets go and click some put!" Efof shouted.
Suddenly a ball of blue paint came hurtling through the undergrowth, hitting
Biff square in the chest.
"Oh shi..." Biff began
Then he fell off the tree backwards.
"Oh my god! They got him!" James gasped, "YOU BASTARDS!" he yelled.
Already a swarm of blue paint was covering the trees around them.
Kayn was leading the assault, he'd landed on one of Vega 22s many rubber
trees, made from actual rubber.
"We need a plan!" James said once he, Efof and Doom had returned to a
vantage point. Biff had luckily been saved by a piece of loose foilage, but
was still a little shaken.
"Where are our re-enforcements?" James asked, "What happened to all our
tanks, planes, satellite paint dropping systems?"
"They sort of, broke," Biff admitted.
"Right, we need a new plan," James decided, "This planet is artificially
terraformed right?"
"Obviously!" Biff said, "You know the facts, Space Core hasn't even
discovered alien Amoeba yet, let alone plants, or even intelligent aliens."
Efof kept quiet.
"Right, so like all standard terraformed planets, it has a weather control
centre?" James asked.
"Yes, just a couple of miles away."
"Well all we need to do is get there and program it to rain green!" James
Biff grinned, "Oh my god! What a fantastic plan!"
"Let's Click some Put!" Efof grinned
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