Niples "Robots"

Who: Captain Seymour Niples (and a clinging-on Efof)
Where: Flying over Maxomegopolis away from the big guns of the floating city
When: Just before Jay finds out that the robots have been launched
Seymour dodged and weaved the shots from the city's cannons. Efof, who was usually so optomistic and naive to danger was actually starting to get worried.
Efof held the Captain's mobile in one of his four hands. Whitewolf had been ringing them but Efof couldn't answer due to the severe motion sickness he was recieving from the Captain-turned-super-heroe's flying skills.
Seymour was looking tired. "This flying lark isn't all its cracked up to be." the Captain complained. "Its so much hard work, I'll try and get back to the Starbug. Now where did we park it?"
"Wasn't that it in that car park down there?" Efof pointed, almost loosing his grip. He grasped the Captain's dressing-gown tighter so that he wouldn't fall. "The one with the Plebian guards crawling all over it."
"Ahh yes, that would be the one." Seymour said.
"Oh, they've just blown it up." Efof said matter-of-factly
"Splendid." Seymour said sarcastically.
They were out of range of the big city, although it still loomed in the sky behind them. Seymour set them both down on the flat roof of a skyscraper. As he got his breath back from flying, the phone rang again. Efof passed it to him.
Seymour answered politely. "Hello, this is Captain Nip-"
"Captain!" Came Jay's voice over the phone.
"Yes Mr. Chrysler, how are things going in your end?"
"Not good sir, an army of robots with the ability to convert humans into Plebians have been launched towards the Blue Dwarf campsite."
Seymour gasped for a second at the thought of an army of mechanoids attacking the unsuspecting crew, most of whom were only crewmen and technicians with no combat experience whatsoever. There were even families and children there.
"Exactly what kind of robots are we talking about here Mr. Chrysler?" The captain asked.
"Vaguelly mosquitto shaped with six legs, mechanical cutting jaws and double spinning rotor blades to make them fly." said Efof.
"How on Earth do you know that Mr. YuwAnker?"
"Because they're flying in this direction!!!!"
"I'm terribly sorry, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to call you back Mr. Chrysler, it appears we are going to have an encounter with said robots."
He hung up.
A swarm of the flying robots flew over the building they were on, they came above them and flew below them between the buildings of the normally bustling streets of Maxomegopolis. One robot spotted them and came in to attack. Completely ignoring Efof it targetted the Captain. It was about the sixe of a family dog (if family dogs had a 2 metre wingspan).
The robot mosquitto opened its jaws to reveal what looked like a laser weapon. The weapon glowed and fired....
To be continued later!!!!
================================David "Onion" BallCaptain Seymor Niples, J.M.C Blue Dwarf================================"Holly?" "Yes dude?" "Where's Jay gone?" "Jay... Jay who?" "Jay the chinese restaurant owner...who do you think?" "He's in the chinese restaurant" "Chrysler's in a chinese restaurant?" "No... Jay the Chinese Restaurant owner's in the chinese restaurant... cor, and you call me thick" (Kayn Bestrom,

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