Clicking Put??? (Or whoops there goes another Rubber tree plant)

Bouncing up and down on a rubber tree plant (Cheers for that one James)
Shortly after Biff, James and Efof run to the weather center
YEAH!!! GOT ONE! screamed Kayn down the comm-radio which made all the blue dwarf microphones squeak for a minute. Harris shot a warning salvo of paintballs at the rubber tree - propelling Kayn forwards into the S.C.U.M area.
"I think it'll be one of those days" said Kayn to himself. He'd 'killed' five peope in as many bullets - straight at the breastplate as he did so often in the arcades. He found himself under the rubber tree forest and caught a small set of jumbled words - from James's team
"...program it to rain green!" shouted an estatic James.
"Oh my god! What a fantastic plan!" shouted the security officer"Let's Click some Put!" cheered the person who kept on clinging arround James
Kayn didn't understand what Click Put meant - but knew that he'd more than an umbrella to stop the massacre of what would happen if they got to the station (wow! Kayn got a brain!)
He set off to the station clinging behind Efof. He got the broad on Sensors aboard Blue Dwarf (she does more work than I do!) to download a map of the area onto the scanner on his SMEG-PG (another handy gadget) and found the quickest way to the station.
He was so busy he tripped over
And saw a ticking LCD in front of him
Kayn leapt to his feet and ran as fast as he could. The entire area behind him spread with green - and his nice new boots had a new lick of paint.
(OOC - Have nothing against you James - just trying to find the most interresting part of the plot to latch onto (that and the fact you stole the award I should have got!!!) - Maybe when this has finished you and Kayn could have a nice cup of Coffee...^_^)
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