The chase - part 1

Who : Jay, Phil and Dean and Ray(see didn't forget you.)
Ray had kindly aggreed to take Tara back to base camp, leaving Dean and Phil with the tied up Jay.
"Was that all true..?" asked Dean.
"Was what?"
"What I heard about EP?"
"Fraid so..." no one saw Jay start to crawl away(at the speed he was going though it was still quite fast, imagine a very big caterpillar and you get the idea.)
"So , you still leaving science and becoming Cheif of Security..?"
"Yeah, altough...SHIT!"
"What?" Asked Dean looking around.
"It's Jay, he's gone. By the direction of the trail, I'd say he's heading back towards the city...."
"Uh hu huh..."
"We've got to make sure he dosn't get there..."
The chase had begun...
<< Dean, your go >>
OOC : Don't worry, we not forgetting about about the main action plot, just filling in time with a bit of fun.
_________________________________________Chris KentleaICQ#:141490049Current ICQ status: SMS: (Send an SMS message to my ICQ): +2783142141490049More ways to contact me:

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