Anger Managment

Who : Phil etc
when : Not telling
Where : read
Phil was having a hard time of things, but not much. Having two minds was actualy an advantage int his sort of circumstances, as it allowed him to conctrate on one bot, with EP keeping an eye out...
"What I don't "**ZZAPP went a bot ** "Understand is why are you helping me..."
"Like that Tara said. If you die, I die......"
An idea popped into Phils head, away from the prying eys of EP.
The battle continued, and things were not starting to look good.
A batlle bot, it weapon jammed, deceded to ram Phil on the head....big mistake....
After stagging aorund for a couple of seconds going " I don't smegging belive it. Will people STOP hitting me in the head........." EP was once more in control..
The bot stood facing Phil, in a spaggaeti western stand off. As is often the case, a tumble weed went past..
Phil stood in a menacing way - "You got ask your self one I feel luckly, Punk....." he aksed the robot in a unnesscasryly gravely voice.
The bot shrugged it's wing s and flew straight at Phil, who proplty blasted it into a million pieces.
When the dust had settled, EP stood tripumphant and let loose with a real manically laugh..
Those nearby thought that Phil needed some sleeep, considering how dark his eyes were......
<<Oh heck >>
OOC : Glad you like the sub-plot onion, it's gonn get better....mwahhhhhh...sorry
_________________________________________Chris KentleaICQ#:141490049Current ICQ status: SMS: (Send an SMS message to my ICQ): +2783142141490049More ways to contact me:

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