Prelude - Part 1

Who : Phil and Niples
Where : Niple Ofice
When : After re-joining the dwarf.
Not long after arriving on the dwarf, Phil went to see Niples about the chief of security job. However, before he arrived, he went to the chemists first to pick up something special..
** Half an hour later, and After Phil's Interview **
Phil then sneezed. He looked down. DAMM. One of the blue contact lenses had fallen out. He quikly picked it up and popped it back in.
Luckly Niples hadn't noticed the jet black eye that was NOT phils normal eye colour.
"Well good luck with the security department.." Niples said
"Oh one more thing," said Phil?
"Yes,?" Asked Niples.
"I'll need the acces codes for the armoury."
"Well I have a plan for blowing up the missle, but I'll need a couple of high powered mining charges to do it."
"But mining charges won't work against the missle.."
"I know sir. But I have plans for a modification which WILL make it work."
Niples didn't look convinced, then remeber that techinacly, before his transfer Phil was a weapons designer, and quite intellegent, so what could go wrong
"Very well...Holly, Give Mr ...sorry Cheif of Security Phil Febuggure the acces codes for the armoury."
"All done" replied the ships computer, who had a bit of a sunburn(simluated radiation damage)
Phil stood up and shook hands with Niples. He then left his office and started to HIS new office in the security Department. With any Luck Crysler should be back on board soon. In the mean time he could start work on those bombs...
He felt like wistling, so he did. If anyone could have heard him, they would have regonised the tune as the funeral march....
<<dum de dumm>>
OOC : Yey - Well done Becca and Dean on getting SOTM.
_________________________________________Chris KentleaICQ#:141490049Current ICQ status: SMS: (Send an SMS message to my ICQ): +2783142141490049More ways to contact me:

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