Psych Analysis with the pro(?) That's me!

Who: Tara, Cerebrum
Where: Psych office
> "We were going to have a DNA test but then the radiation leak stopped us
and we had to go down to the plannet. Then > Evil Phil and Evil Jay turned
up on the scene and it all went confusing. Evil Jay wanted to kill me but
then god Jay kiled him. > Now Phil turns into Evil Phil whenever he is hit
on the head....." Tara trailed off. Cerebrum was busy scribbling on his note
> pad
"Very interesting," Cerebrum said, writing down the information in
incomprehenshible hand writing. The better a psychiatrist you were, the less
legible your hand writing was. "So, tell me about this Evil Phil, Evil Jay
and how much do you value life? Answer the questions in your own time, and
don't worry about them. It's a psychiatric technique."

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