
Who: Tara, Cerebrum
Where: The ship
he reached into the drawer in his desk and produced a tazer, a straitjacket and a pair of tesla-grounding boots for the holowhip.
"Now, where can I find evil Phil? I'll zap him, put him in a straitjacket, and then fix him, whether he likes it or not."
I don't think that's a good idea... but if you really want to kill yourself, he said something about becoming chief of security" Tara took a pill "I think I should come along, you don't know what Evil Phil is like"
"Fine, just stay out of the way when I start to treat him" Cerebrum marched off in a way that suggested he knew everything.
Tara hurried after Cerebrum as he headed to the security departments headquarters (OOC- where the hell is that anyway? i've been here a year and I still don't know..)
"Cerebrum, I wouldn't just storm in there. You don't want to make him mad...." A man dressed up like death came out of EP's office
"OUT OF MY WAY FOOLISH MORTALS!!!" Cerebrum thrust a business card into his hand
"Come talk to me about your parents some time soon ok, you have a nasty death complex there"
"He, he's a shrink. He needs to analyse all crew members, that's all he meant" Tara gave a nervous laugh. Doom wasn't convinced but left anyway reading the business card
"How did you..." Cerebrum asked
"It's called social skills, learn some" Tara walked up to the head of security's office. he pills having given her a weird confidance/not scared mixture, "Are you coming? You wanted to 'fix' him" Tara knocked on the door....<Tag.  Phil? Cerebrum?>

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