Drinking and Murder, back in the brig.

>"What, you mean Alota's "Bedroom" name for you...Jay, you forget, I am the
>cheif of security. Oh, BTW, I didn't know that Alota had a mole on her left
>Jay charged at Phil again...
Phil dropped to the floor, followed closely by Jay.
"Nice shot Armer, come on, fighting in the corridors, tsk, who are they
anyway?" asked Dean. Still rubbing his shoulders from being crammed into a
ventilation shaft.
"I dunno, we'd better go take a look. Still can't believe we had to use
charades back in the cell."
"Yeh, but it worked" said Dean.
"True, but for 'grate' why'd you point at yourself? it took me over an hour
to get that!"
"It worked, we escaped! That was after we tied up 'shouting man' wasn't it?"
"Just about, so glad he shut up."
They reached Phil and Jay.
"I never knew their eyes changed colour." said Armer, looking at Phil.
"We killed them!" shouted Dean, "quick, away, or else they'll suspect us!"
"Good point!" shouted Armer, and they flee-ed to parrotts...
...where they met Alota... ... but only after a few drinks... ...when tact
had dissppeared...
"Commiserations.." said Dean,
"Well, about Jay and everything."
"Didn't you hear?" said Armer. "Someone shot Phil and Jay on the shuttlebay
floor this evening."
"Who was it?"
"Well we were there, with a gun but we didn't see no one" slurred Dean.
"YOU SMEGHEADS!" shouted Alota.
Everyone turned to look.
"Sssshh... don't tell everyone!" said Dean.
Alota ran off... crying, towards teh shuttlebay.
"What have my two drinking buddies been upto then? Murder?" asked L'ontar.
"Yep..........Nope." said Dean.
"Actually, you're right, my guns set to stun." said Armer
Dean felt a grip on his shoulder.
"It's back to the brig for you two." said a security man.
"Oh Smeg." they both said.
L'ontar was too busy drinking to help...
Dean "Killer" Thomas
Madness Takes Its Toll, Please have Exact Change
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