Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Captain Niples \"My arm wants to get legless\"

OOC-Hope no one gets to this before me.
> "Captain?" Came a surprised voice next to him. "I
> don't normally see you down here."
> Seymour turned around to see......
>End sniperoo--
Allie Fletcher, Console Officer and resident
hologram, smiling pleasantly at him.
"Hello!" the Captain yipped, checking to make sure
his arm was covered and behaving. "Where have you
been?" he continued more calmly. "I heard you
disappeared once all the nonsense with the Plebians
"I wasn't hiding out!" Allie quickly replied, her
voice a little too high. "My light-bee's power supply
ran out and one of Katrina's PITAs ate it from off the
The captian gave her a rather confused and sick
look. "So, how'd you-?"
She put a hand, interrupting him. "With all due
respect, I'm gonna have to ask you to not ask."
Seymour nodded, understanding completely.
Allie smiled nervously, then looked down at her
watch. "Is that the time? Well, time to-uh-walk the
ship, official ferret, Weevey. Good-bye!" And she
dashed off, admitting a little more about her recent
events than she meant to.
(Go ahead anyone)
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