
> A tarten head popped up.
> "ARMER! That was the captain!"
> "Add another to tally Armer" said Armer to himself.
> "Another?"
> "Oh yeh, I made you unconscious in the
> shuttlebay..."
> "What?"
> "NEEP!"
>>>>>>>end snip
"What? nothing, I didn't sasy anything..." Armer
looked around sheepishly. He then made a grab for
Dean as he tried to scurry away from the captain. "I
got him!" Armer said holding up the angry tartan
ferret, which bit his hand.
"Argghhh!" Armer shouted throwing Dean into the air.
"Ow, that looks painful!" Phill said as the ferret
dissapeared behind the bar.
"Thankyou for your concern" Niples said standing up
"What happened?"
"I think you had a little to much to drink sir" Armer
said narrowly dodging the plebian arm as it made a
swing at him. "Sorry sir, I got to go get that..."
He ponted at the exciting animal that made another
neep sound.
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