Kayn's Paintball Finale

Vega 22
Just before the shuttle goes off
Kayn scrambled out of the temple/weather station as soon as he heard that the shuttles were going. At least his team had won. His paintball gun was all but empty, and soon he heard three angry members of the opposite team chasing him accross the scrubland
Kayn didn't see Steev's final trap. Steev apparently created a super-lice that excreted Blue Dye...and Kayn got coated in the whole experimental batch. His hair was royal blue!!!
Blue Dwarf's Quarentene
After any debreifing
Kayn was immediatly bathed in medicated shampoo and was purified by gamma radiation of all lice (It's the only thing that will kill the buggers). Unfortunatly - his hair was going to be blue for at least three months.
Steev was hiding somewhere far away from the Drive Room. Kayn didn't bother persuing the super-engineer, and had appointments with Zack and James down the bar (he promised to buy them all drinks even though he had tried to kill James and vice versa)
(OOC - Yes...I wanted to dye Kayn's hair blue, and this was the best way of doing it...^_^. Zack and James can post about thier drinks with Kayn, and everyone can post a reaction to Kayn's new brightly coloured hair)
News on the Plan
||||||| 8% Complete
E.T.C. of 7 Months
Currently working on - 3D Backgrounds
Hope you will all enjoy it when it comes out...eventually
Keep on voting for whatever it is...
Just need all the people who sent in thier bios to give me permission to use thier characters in the PLAN (phew...almost said it then...^_^)
First person to GUESS the plan wins an extra special bit in the PLAN
Program Subrountine Error
Needs Finalising
ERROR 909 - Flan not ready - requires more baking time (Thats a new space core directive!! SCD#909 No member of the space core is permitted to leave thier flan unattended whilst baking or otherwise.
System Failure
Abort, Retry (AS IF), or Fail??

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