Re: Take off!

Who:- Tara, Abdul Muhamud Gerupta Singh, Mohammed the Camel, Abdul
the Camel, Gerupta the Camel, Jay
Where:- Egypt
Tara was talking to Abdul Mohammed Gerupta Singh, explaining what
had happened over the last few days, Jay, riding the camel known as
Abdul was a LONG way behind, Tara looked back, Abdul was running at
a speed not common of camels, in every direction but the one he was
supposed to be going in, Jay was doing a pretty good job of holding
on, until the reigns snapped and Jay found himself face down in a
sand dune.
"by the way" said Tara to Abdul Mo...(sod it...THE GUIDE)
"thats Jay, he's a pilot...."
"A pilot? you mean he fly's shuttles"
"Thats about the jist of it"
"And yet a camel is beyond his skills"
"Frankly...theres alot that's beyond Jay's skills..."
They turned to continue heading for the desert, from behind they
could hear Chrysler's voice screaming.
Tara and the guide slowed down to allow Jay to catch up. By now he
was walking and the camel running off into the distance.
A few minutes later the three of them were blinded by a sandstorm,
caused by an overhead shuttle.
"The Phoenix!" Jay said "Thank god...better than a camel any day"
The mechanic who had supposed to be fixing it dropped to the ground
from the undercarriage.
"There! good as new..that'll be $£500"
Jay pulled his wallet out of his back pocket, opening it he looked
"Um..listen can I pay you later, only..I dont have $£500 on me right
now..and wife might check the credit card bill..."
"you pay now..wife can hurt you for all I care!"
Jay didnt like this guy, he obviously didnt know just how much Alota
COULD hurt him, if he did he truly was some kind of massachist for
not caring.
Jay took out his mastercard and was about to hand it over when the
Phoenixes engines gave off an aggresive burst of flame from the
"Actually.." said the mechanic "I am feeling generous! I do the work
for free!"
"Wow...thank you..why?" Jay asked, puzzled.
"Lets just say i don't want that DEMON ship near me anymore...I read
Christine you know..."
<Phil, Tara?>
andy longman
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--- In JMC_Blue_Dwarf@y..., "Christopher Kentlea" <ckentlea@b...>
> Who : Phil(ish)
> When : When the Pehonix was being repaired
> Where : Somewhere in Cairo
> The darkness finally shifted. Phils had been having the most
weirest, well out of body experince ever. Something was wrong
though. He could remember the fight with EP, the feeling of speed,
then...then...things were a blank. For some reason big explosions
and missles kept croping up in his mind.
> There was no feeling in his legs. There was no feeling at all.
Wait a minute.....
> Phil flexed his eyes. He could see! Howver, the image was not what
he expected...
> There was a mechanic standing i n front of him, doing something to
the his nose cone.
> Phil's memory of the last few seconds of his life flashed before
his mind'eye.
> "What happned to my body...." cried Phil.
> The poor mechanic soiled himself and made the sign to ward of
> "Err, yes, oh possein demoinc one?" The mechanic suddenly realised
that this prescence could be why this ship wasn't working.
> "Where am I?"
> "Err....In Cario, ol foul demon of the pit!"
> "Stop calling me that. I'm hum...Well, I was human until my mind
got stuck in this ship. Why are you tinkering about in there.."
> The mechanic looked around for the hidden camra and decided to
play along with this prank, just in case.
> "Well, You're broken. Some of your sytems arn't working..."
> "Such as..." Inquired Phil?
> "Well, your lights, landing gear is dogey and tracking systems..."
> Phil activated the Pheonix's diagnotics systems. There were
working fine, but's phils mind had temporary overidden them for some
odd reason. A problem easly fixed.
> "I suggest you move out the way!"
> "Why, oh noxious extrusion of Belzebub..."
> Phil aimed on of the Pheonix's cannons at him...
> "Call me that one more time and you and your maker shall get very
> Phil then fired the ships engines, and started to take off,
rembering to open the garages doors by remote control first.
> "Hah...and Eveyone thinks I can't fly ships. I'd call that a text
book take off...." thought Phil as he started to fly out over the
open desert.
> It would have been to if not for the poor mecahnic who caught his
overalls in the landing gear as Phil took off and was now dangling
from the bottom of the ship, wishing he'd never been born....
> << Jay / Tara or anyone else >>
> OOC : He'ssssssss back!
> _________________________________________
> Chris Kentlea
> ICQ#:141490049
> Current ICQ status:
> SMS: (Send an SMS message to my ICQ): +2783142141490049
> More ways to contact me:
> _________________________________________

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