A day in the life of

Who:Ray I guess
When: when all the fun is occurring on earth
where: Blue Dwarf Ray had neatly settled the SEII in its designated space and rearmed it.  He had than picked up a list of blue midgets and what was wrong with them and gone off.  He was now sitting, the list filled out and filed with holly, in a large recreation of an actual planet with trees and stuff like that.  Well, he was actually strolling but sitting and strolling are the same thing. Right?  Anyhow he had somehow managed to keep up with things and would have gone down to help if the rules of his debet would have allowed it.  He knew that if he took any craft down the authorities would be waiting for him when he landed and he would either be killed or stuck in jail probably the first because of the expense of the second.       He had considered going down to parrots but he wasn't in the mood for the crowd so he went to the place where the 'sensitive' people go and found it amazingly empty.  After way to much time wasted up their he had gone back to the lift and headed to his quarters.
      Again the lift took longer to go down than it had to go up probably because it liked going up better.  Anyhow he arrived at his quarters and looked around.  At least he thought these were his quarters and he figured that he would be the only one who didn't spend anytime in their quarters.  The room was practically spotless.  It had been sealed since he arrived and a small pile of mail had piled up almost all bills which he just left.  The bills were already piled up so it didn't matter much.  However two of the parcels had the Inter-ship mail logo on them.  One was a general welcome that got sent to every new crewmember. Ray promptly filled this and opened the other mail.  Finding it to be simply another of the bills he did what he did with all his bills.  threw them at things.  In the end however he opened the packing plastic on the garbage can and put them all in it.  He did carry a wallet with him but only to store his pilots license.  Ray than sat on the chair still in its packing material and waited for something exciting to happen.  It doesn't for quite some time and as Ray is beginning to feel tirade he heads out and gets a cup of coffee.  He arrives somewhere and decides to be alarmed by it but isn't so he... OOC" is it just me or didn't that last sentence make any kind of cents?  OK. well I can't see the computer screen no more. G'night.

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