Yes, People Other Than Jay Can Crash

Who: Keto, Appendix, the Missile Group
Where: The Missile
When: Just at the jeep evacuation
-- SNIP --
Throwing his pack out of the jeep at one of the party, who, he noted, were
running away from the missile, he aimed the jeep straight for the missile
and waited for 5 seconds. 2 seconds from collision he leapt and prayed at
the same time, (an interesting combination, but don't try it at home). The
jeep hit home...
-- END SNIP --
There was an ear-splitting crunch of metal on metal as Dean hit the ground and
rolled. He was still rolling when there was a whine from overhead.
The others glanced up in time to see a shrieking blur fly very low overhead,
before impacting into the side of a dune with a thump that sent clouds of sand
rushing into the air.
As the cloud cleared, the back end of a shuttle was visible, sticking out of
the desert floor. The hatch slid open, and a coughing figure emerged.
"You SAID push that button!" snapped Keto, stepping down onto the dune, "So I
pushed the damn button!"
[I said DON'T push the button,] corrected the Appendix, rolling out of the
hatch, [Or else we'd crash. And guess what. We crashed.]
"Oh shut up," growled Keto, rubbing his eyes as he saw the group ahead of
them, "Ah, well, at least we got to where we were meaning to go. Now
then...where exactly IS here?"
Then, spotting Tara at one edge of the other crewmembers, Keto glared and
started to stalk over.
"Cleavage," he called, "I want a word with you about abandoning your
department head on a planet full of...killer...robots..."
Keto's voice trailed off as a spider bot mounted the dune not ten metres from
where he was striding.
"...although possibly said word can wait!" rephrased Keto, and hastened toward
where the others were standing, guns aready.
OOC: Well, I posted! Tag. :)

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