Regrouping Royals

Who: Seymour, Steev, Katrina, Cubie, and a bunch of spiders
Where: What's left of Buckingham Palace
When: The Coronation carnage
OOC: Oh my goodness Steev, THAT was funny! So funny that I had to see it
"Bugger it," he thought. Pulling out a screwdriver, he dived on top of the
nearest spider...
Steev stood in a heap of spider bits. Everyone stood and stared.
"The spiders," Steev started, "The spiders...have a locking bolt in can have the grenade launcher back now."
Steev held out the grenade launcher.
He was quite worried. No-one had moved or spoken for at least 5 minutes.
The silence was then broken by a vomiting Katrina.
-----End Snip-----
Cubie cringed as Katrina's stomach contents splashed down her back. "ACK!
I'm a hologram, and I want to hurl now!" Setting the ill janitor down, she
tried unsuccessfully to shift to soft-light in order to allow Katrina's
lunch to fall to the deck.
Steev watched intently. Exactly what would happen if a hologram hurled? He
sensed that this was a breakthrough moment for hologram research. Edging
closer, he peered at Cubie intently while muttering to himself in a
wildlife-show-announcer voice. "Personal note: subject hologram exhibits
signs of pre-nausea syndrome. Holographic sweats, pale complexion-"
Cubie snatched him by the lapels and lifted him of the ground. "Get out of
my face!"
"-and irritability. Danger! Danger! SH could go at any moment." Steev
realized that his feet were dangling, and decided that holographic hurling
research might take an unexpected turn.
Cubie set him back down with a sigh. "Never mind. I'm too grossed out to
deal with you."
Seymour knelt next to Katrina. "My love, are you all right?"
Katrina nodded weakly as she wiped her mouth with a fragment of the shredded
canopy bed covers. "I don't want to be a queen. Bad things happen to
queens around here."
Seymour chuckled. "Compared to all you've gone through as a janitor, this
is actually fairly tame. And the pay is better."
"Help me up." Katrina tried to stand, and after Seymour got her arm over
his shoulder, she managed to regain her feet. "Ooh! I'm dizzy."
Cubie rejoined them. "I'm damaged, but still functional. I can carry her
without tiring until my power cells run down. Then you'll have to carry
me." She held up the pager-sized controller, then slipped it back in her
Seymour nodded. He'd been meaning to research the eccentric Richards ever
since Zack's trial after Blotz wrecked the Promenade trying to arrest him.
"How long until you run out of power?"
"If I don't power up any weaponry, about three days of constant operation."
Cubie shrugged. "With the hit I took, I can't access any of my defensive
programs, so that's a moot point."
"Ah. Pity that." Seymour helped transfer Katrina to Cubie's arms. "You
will be good with her, won't you? After all, she's my fiancee."
He thought about that for a moment. "Come to think of it, we were
interrupted just before you told me your answer."
All eyes were on Katrina.
~Personal Ambulance Service - at no extra charge~

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