the awakening

Who:- Alota, Jay, Keto, Cerebrum
Where:- medi-bay
When:- when the dragon arose from its slumber..and it did say...
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" yelled Captain Hussain as she
slowly opened her eyes.
SHe sat up, groggily, and hadnt YET notcied her.....customisation..
She looked around, "My god..I ache everywhere..what happened?"
"You er....fell over.." said Jay.
"Lt CMdr Jay Chrysler"
"Ah yes...the pilot i transferred to medibay" she stopped and looked
at Alota.
"Ms. Chrysler" she said
"Yes?" asked Alota sweetly
"You remember what I said about 'romantic liasons'?"
"Then why does the man who shares your surname, who you INSISTED
wasnt you're husband have his arm around you"
Jay looked hurt, he whispered in his wife's ear "You told her we
WERENT married? what are you trying to say?"
"I'll explain later..." she said then turned back to Hussain.
"He's my brother...were very close."
"You're brother..."
"Who lives in your quarters"
"Whats wrong with that?"
"And sleeps in your bed"
"Um..actually.." Jay piped in
"Most of thh time I sleep on the couch.."
Hussain turned back to Alota.
"And you're wearng matching wedding rings"
"Theyre family heirlooms!"
Hussain wasnt convinced but had no evidence to contradict Alota.
"YOU!" she said looking at Jay "you're a medic, why are you wearing
a flight suit?"
"BECAUSE OH GRACIOUS ONE IM A PILOT!!" Jay said and immediatly
regretted it.
"did you YELL at me?!" Hussain fumed
......................." said Jay sheepishly, in a tone that only
dogs should be able to hear.
Jay bolted out of the door of the psych/ medi-bay. Over which Keto
and Cerebrum were quietly arguing regarding responsibilty.
Alota snuck out behind Jay, clutching the curtain that was
previously covering the mirror at the end of the Captains medi-bunk.
"Wait til she sees what I've done!" she sniggered.
Seconds later the entire ship was fileld with cries
"YES? oh gracious one?" Alota said as sickeningly sweetly as she
could without being sincere....

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