<Chris has finished reading all new posts. Chris realises that his previous
post (which, hopefully, got lost in the e-mail as I've not got it yet) is
hopelessly wrong, so just ignore it (as you all ignore me usually and we'll
all be quite happy>
Dean walked along the corridor, with his new astro-stripper, trying to strap
it on. Having succeeded in this task (no easy thing) He thought he'd fire it
up and go for a few metres along the corridor.
the medibay bunch heard as he screamed past, then
he shot past the other way, playing ping pong with the inside of the ship.
he flew into the medibay, it then costed of:
Dean awoke to see Armer pointing at him with a large machine gun. He moved
and realised that he was sitting with a duck up his backside....
<OOC: Sorry, been on holiday, not been really paying attention, tried to
skimread the posts - FATAL ERROR!>
Madness Takes Its Toll, Please have Exact Change
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