Human Fireball!

Ok, this is now my thrid attempt to get my job a) right and b)posted
Dean strolled down the promenade, fingering his new astro-stripper (for
those who are desperate to know - Last Human) as he had finally managed to
put it on, (those little strappy things are harder then they look you know).
Fiddling with his joystick, he found himself propelled down the corridor at
high speed.
The Medibay bunch were involved in a rather unpleasant standoff involving
Armer and 2 tonnes of military grade hardware when they heard it.
"What the hell was that?" yelled Hussain.
"I'm guessing that it was Hull Refur...."
flew past the open door the other way.
"....ment." finished Alotta
"Someone shut that door or something." said Hussain
"Why? We're not under your command." said Jay (yes, he himself was surprised
with his boldness)
"We're under command of Niples!" yelled Armer
screaming fireball as it pelted past again.
"I'll have you all in the brig, GUARDS!?" yelled Hussain
This time, however, something else happened, something rather unexpected.
The human missile which was Dean flew into the medibay (afterwards Jay would
claim that he heard 'Hey, I can control this thing!' - everyone else heard
Then Dean ping-ponged off the floor, ceiling, equipment and walls before
landing in a heap, ontop of Hussain.
He woke up to 2 strange sights, one of them was Armer pointing a large
machine gun at him, the seconds was the feeling of a duck on up his
backside, a duck that was starting to have a communication with the ferret
on his head.
"Oh smeg...."
Dean "WARGH!" Thomas
Madness Takes Its Toll, Please have Exact Change
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