Mutiny Meeting - WAAARGH!

When: After the last post by Amanda
Where: The meeting
Who: People
Jay decided to open the door and see who was coming, he was met by Armer
throwing himself at his feet.
"Well, that's very nice of you, but get..."
jay was hit full on by Dean in his astrostripper, splattered across his
front, they flew down the corridor.
"Dean!" Jay shouted over the roar of the stripper.
"Yes?" Dean yelled back
"Learning to fly again!"
"Take me back to the meeting!, now!"
"You want back to the meeting, ok, back to the meeting." said Dean, yanking
on the joystick.
The astrostripper loop-de-looped and then flew back towards Alota and Jay's
sleeping quarters. A party of people heading towards the room ducked, and
heard 2 voices going "WAAARGH!" before both of them whacked into the door
and collapsed in a heap.
Jay groaned. Dean said "Thanks for cushioning the fall..."
"You utter smeghead."
The door opened.
"What are you doing on the floor Mr Chrysler?" said Alota, threateningly....
Dean "WARGH!" Thomas
<OOC: I'm here...>
Madness Takes Its Toll, Please have Exact Change
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