Mutinous meanderings

Who:- Everyone who wants a civil uprising.
Where:- Alota and Jay's
"I'll do it," Allie chirped. "I did almost kill the
whole crew last year, so this should be a breeze. I
could blow her up or something. It would be fun!"
<End Snip>
"Noone's killing anyone" said Jay "...except..I'll kill Keto if
noone minds."
"Spoilsport." sulked Allie.
"Sorry Allie but we only want Niples back, not death sentences!"
"Exactly" Jay said in agreement with the big pink wooden one.
"So what does everyone have in mind" said Armer from the corner of
the room.
"where did you get that?!" jay demanded, referring to the bottle of
beer Armer was sipping, Dean had one too.
"The fridge."
"ALOTA!" Jay whined "They're drinking my beer!"
"oh grow up." she said "Now, any sggestions, from anyone with a
brain" she said glaring at her husband.
"Hey..." said Jay, hurt.

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