Elvis has left the building(a JP)

jp from Tara and Phil(Becca and Chris )

Who : Rufus
Where : On the shuttle back to BD
When : After doing the deal and getting a DNA sample from BD
Rufus sat quietly in the main cabin of the shuttle, his hand resting on the Clone Machine. The Greek who was sent along with it, sat reading a copy of "1001 one things you never knew about gonad electrocution kits, but were afraid to ask.."

Rufus then put his hand in his pocket for the 200th time to check that the DNA was still there, it was. The ship bumped and jolted as it decende dthrough the atmosphere and finally came to a halt outside the Arnihs HQ.
Leaving the clone machine in the shuttle, the Greek escorted Rufus back through the building and onto the express elevator to the presidents office.
"Do you enjoy your job?" Rufus asked the Greek who's name badge heralded him as "Hugh Ass"...
There was no reply.
"Why is it that eveyone in this building except for the presedent has stupid names...?"
Again, Silence.
Rufus was pushed through the door
"Hey watch it buddy" Rufus said. The large swival chair turned around
"I see you have returned. Have you got the goods?"
"First I want Amber back!" Rufus demanded.
"Well now. Arn't we a feist one" the president chuckled "Hugh, Laurie bring the girl up here" the two blue suitsed men nodded.
Amber was brought to the office. Rufus quikly looked her over. Notieing that she seemed fine, he nodded to her and turned his attention back to the man in the chair.
He then reached into another pocket and pulled out a CD.
"here's the desing scamatics for the MTM. I've kept my part, no you keep yours... Let us go..."
Rufus flung the CD at the mans head. HARD. However, the presidents moved faster and caught the CD before it had a chance to hit him..
"Nice try...But just rember that I was dealing with punks like you before your were even though of.."
"That's not hard, I'm only 6 months old..." mumbled Rufus.
the president raised an eyebrow, but pretended to ignor the comment. Rufus motioned to Amber and they headed for the door. Amber reached for the handle
"Wait" the president said "We seem to be forgetting something" Rufus cursed under his breath and innocently said
"The DNA, moron!" the president yelled
"Which DNA" Rufus said, hoping he wouldn't spesify names. The president was getting angry
"The DNA sample!" Rufus smiled
Rufus reached into his pocket. He pulled out the sample container and looked at his sister..."I'm sorry...I did this for you..."
He threw the container at the president, who caught it .
"Can we go now?"
The man waveed them away, starting to laugh..."Mwahhhhhh"
In the lift Amber turned round to her twin.
"How the hell could you give him a sample of Dad's DNA..You you..."
Rufus interrupted her..."Don't worry...I'tll be fine..."
"How will it be fine? Tell me HOW!"
"It was a sample of KETO's DNA, not dads....."
It was Rufus turn to laugh now..."MWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
<<Sorry Keto.....>>
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