Lt. Something Jason Smegg - "Adventures with Pooper Engineer, and F

Blue Dwarf engine component control center
1330 hours or so, maybe
"You sure you don't need any help, Steev?" Smegg asked semi-reluctantly.
"No thanks, ***SUPER ENGINEER *** has this all down pat! I'm almost done!" Steev/Super Engineer enthusiastically replied.
"All right then." He didn't really want to help anyway; he was too engrossed messing with the fonts on the new Pokédex 5.0 in the latest GameBoy game, Pokémon RGBvalue(255,134,98). That's right, by the year 2XXX (no, wait, that's when MegaMan 12 took place...), video games were so advanced that they had entire virtual worlds inside them with virtual computers, virtual video games, virtual jobs, virtual funerals, etc. (Sort of like The Sims on steroids.)
Then Ensign Penny Lloyd walked in. "Hello," she said. "Is the jump drive ready yet?"
Smegg looked up. My God-who-may-or-may-not-exist! he thought. It's a WOMAN! And she's rather good-looking, too! Why hadn't he noticed that there were women on the ship before!
But realizing that he was supposed to be a respectable Lieutenant Commander, or Lieutenant Emeritus, or whatever rank he was supposed to be at the moment, he quickly forced himself to put aside his youthful impulses and said, "No, not quite yet."
Then Ensign Lloyd left. Damn! Smegg thought. Why hadn't he asked her out on a date!
But before he could muse too much about this, there came a cry from the bowels of the ship. Or maybe the bowels of an engineer. It was Steev. "Help," he cried, "I forgot where the doohingey with the knob goes! And I've pooped my pants."
Oh, crap.
"Just get out of there and I'll try to finish up." Smegg couldn't help but suppress a chuckle at his suddenly incompetent colleague.
Steev crawled out of the area he was working in and waddled shamefacedly off to his quarters to change his clothes.
Smegg climbed into the hole (The one in the ship you pervert) and tried to get toward the area where Steev had been installing the transdimensional drive. But Steev was much slimmer than he was, and he didn't quite make it.
And it stunk in there.
OOC - I won't mess around with your eyes with those fonts anymore! Honest! I hope!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------One grizzled old sailor to another:"Well, excuse me for saying so, 'Admiral' Phineas Q. Crunch,but I still don't quite believe that yarn of yoursabout the 'dreaded Cereal Pirates of Azhakbania'!"

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