
Nikki Lewis
Security Officer
Nikki dodged the few techs that were running around like headless
chickens muttering something baout fuzzy animals and eventually found
her quarters. The Captain seemed 'unavailable' and so after reporting
in to Security Central she had searched the ship for her allocated
The place hadnt been touched sonce the last occupant had left nad
fortunately in was quite clean and tidy with just a few inches of
dust on the surfaces. Dropping her kitbag on the floor she opened it
up and pulled out some of her uniform and hung it up in the wardrobe,
narrowing her eyes she found an item of clothing still in there on a
hanger. Taking the hanger out she eyed the item, a bright pink dress
with fluff everywhere that had obviously seen one too many parties
and knocking shops stared back at her
Taking it from off the hanger she scrunched the item up and threw it
in the recycler, spending just thirty minutes making her quarters
more ship shape she left the confines of them and headed out into the
ship to have a look round
Stopping by a ventilation shaft she heard a scratching at the grate,
which was hanging quite loosely at the hinges, looking down a small
rodent type animal dropped down from the shaft and looked up at her
in confusion
"Critters" she muttered, bending down she picked the thing up by the
tail and threw it with some force back in the shaft until she heard a
satisfactory thud as the rodent hit the back wall.
(tag - anyone!)

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