(no subject)

OOC <"Oh look What's Jay doing here..?" exlaimed Phil .....indeed,
what is Jay, a PILOT doing in the shuttle bay!!!>
Jay was....surprised to say the least.
He'd been happily readign his lateast issue of 'fast shuttle'
magazine, admiring an advert about alloy landing struts, when his
wife came in, and just as quickly left.
He shrugged and decided to go down to the promenade.
He stopped by the shuttlebay on the way, with the intention of
picking uo his wallet which he'd yet again left in the Pilots lounge.
As he entered a ship was landing, touching down shakliy as if it was
piloted by an amateur....or Dean.
He watched the landing doors open, curious as to which of his
colleagues it was. HE was surprised to see Phil and Tara step out,
he quickly ran across, tripping over several wibbles in the process.
"Oh look What's Jay doing here..?" exlaimed Phil seeing his mate
joging towards him, tripping up on a Wibble and squashing one.
"Where the bloody hell have you two been ?" He said when he righted
Phil looked at Tara..."You can tell him my dear..."
"We're married...!" said Tara holding out her hand to show the
wedding ring
end snip
Jay opened his mouth to speak, but sound didnt wanna come out.
"Were married!" Tara said again chirpily
Jay was pleased for his friends but stunned stupid.
"You eloped?!" he asked
"Yeah", said Phil
"Aw c'mon!!!" Jay said jokingly "that is SO unfair! If I'd known
youd stich me up for the best man job I'd have asked Zodar!"
he laughed, then shook Phil's hand and hugged Tara in
"umm..Tara..Mrs FeBuggure.." he said "Can you do one favour"
"Sure what?"
"Dont show ALota the ring...it's kinda..well..a LOT more expensive
looking than hers..."
..spose we oughta sort out this wibles infestation too..

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