Where is that bugger?

Who : Phil and MP
Where : drive room
Phil walked into the drive room just as he heard the words over the speaker system

On the Dwarf The radio suddenly cut out, static replacing what had been Jays voice.
"Jay?...JAY?!!" shouted Alota into the mike. "Jay respond!!"
There was no reply.
"What the bloody hell happened?" Phil demanded of one of the console operators, who suuden;y had TWO guns pointing at him, one about groin height.
"Yes I know that you.....pea brain..Where did you lose it..?"
"There.." He said and pointed to a map point on the planet display screen.
Phil looked at Alota, "I'l go get him.."
As he ran to the docking bay, he called into his walkie Talkie..."Keto, grab you away team kit, find a free pilot and meet me in the landing bay.."
"Why the hell should I do that? You can't order me about"
"Because if you don't, I'll tell the captain what MP found when he was tailing you the other day..."
"I'll be there in 5"
** 10 mins later on the planet **
Phil(plus anyothers who joined in the the search party) landed at the crash site...
MP ran ahead spotting something
"He's like a little dog isn't he?" remarked someone.
Phil turned round and pulled out his holowhip.."Let's get something straight...MP is in fact ME...alright."
MP had found something and was waving towards Phil...It was what looked like some of Jay's casual clothes,, with Wibble teeth markks...
"ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGH......The bastards have eaten him...."
With that Phil started to whip the little furballs...
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