(no subject)

Allie Fletcher raced down the corridors. White Wolf
was injured! How could she have not known he was in
trouble. She felt like the worst girlfriend in the
galaxy. But Alota had told her to fight instead of
visiting him, and Allie wasn't one to disobey..except
in special circumstances.
White Wolf looked up, somewhat surprised, as Allie
burst through the doors and raced to his side.
"Wolfie, honey, are you okay?"
"Yeah-" he started.
"Sweetie, I can't stay," Allie interrupted. "I have
to go and fight to protect the ship. I just wanted to
tell you that I'm so sorry I haven't been around much
lately. I've been having some trouble with my light
bee, leaving my stuck in soft-light, and I didn't want
you to see me so out of control. But, I'm a bit better
now; I stuck my finger in a power outlet and at least
I'm back to hard-light." She leant over and kissed his
forehead. "I promise things will be different from now
on. I love you too much to lose you." She kissed him
again. "I have to go now. You stay here and relax;
I'll be back soon." She kissed him once more and raced
out of the room.
OOC-Not very long, but I tried.
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