He's done it again....

Who : Phil, MP, Dean, Keto
Where : Where Dean crashed
When : After doing the "Thomas" manuver(eg crash the shuttle into the side of the Dwarf, not the main shuttlebay)
"Alota will kill me!" thought Dean, before trying to rescue MP, who had been flung headfirst into the console....
"eeeeeeeeeee" cried Mp as Dean dragged him from the console.
"Where's Phil?" asked Keto looking round.
* Pharp *
"Ahha. I think I've just found him....Dean you grab hold of Phil's legs aI'll grab his arms and we'll take him to Parrots...!"
Dean was consfued...."Hang on...why the fudge do we want to take our chief of security to Parrots? Surely your joking.."
"I'm not jokeing....and don't call me Shirley.." replied Keto
"No you thick eared twonk...surely...I said surely...not Shirley..."
"Sorry..." They proccced to drag Phil out of the Drive room...MP was not helping by pointing towards Dean and Making a gesture best descibed as "making Coffe"
"Look why do we need Phil drunk...We need him awake..not pissed...."
Keto paused one moment..."You do know what happens when Phiul gets drunk don't you?" Said Keto, shuddering at the memory of the onitment 666 escpapeds.
"Course I do...Evberyone on this ships knows...He thinks he is....AHA...I see what you mean...get him drunk and Turn him loose on the Pirates?"
"You know something Mr Thomas? Sometimes you your asstute observations amaze me. Which Is why you have the arse end and I'm holding the arms..."
"Besides, you can tell Tara what happanded to her husband..."
With that..Operation : Satan began....
<<Tag Dean>>
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