
<Loads of snips>
Who: Eve, Zodar, Tara, Wildflower, WW, Allie, Alota ... Plus others
Where: Medi-Bay
When: DogFight
Tara was walking very fast towards the Medi-Bay, she wanted this
little situation sorted and soon. Tara got to the Medi-Bay and heard
some strange giggling coming from the patients beds. With a puzzled
face she walked towards the noise and pulled back the curtain, there
was Eve laying in one bed with Ares at her feet and Zodar sitting up
in the other bed reading out loud from a journal, Keto's college
journal... "Tara!" They both looked up in shock.
Zodar quickly put Keto's college journal under his blankets, not
quick enough, but before Tara could start her ambush of questions...
"OMG! What is happening out there?" Tara was the first to break the
The noise came from just outside of the Medi-Bay's doors, they all
turned their heads to look.
"What was that?" Zodar asked.
Tara spun her body around and balled her fists at the ready, Ares
jumped off Eve and under the bed to hide.
"Scaredy cat!" Eve growled.
"Smart don't you mean" Zodar said, wishing he could run and hide, he
was in pain and didn't want a fight at this moment.
"Shut-up!" Tara yelled over her shoulder, she was stressed.
Eve sat up and armed herself with a nearby neddle, while Zodar pulled
out Keto's college journal as a defense devise from under his bed
sheets and sat up the best he could. A bunch of Wibbles ran down the
corridor, and some into Medi-Bay, they were being chased by weapon
yeilding Scutters.
"Oh thank God, I thought it was the thing that's attacking us" Zodar
said relaxing.
"Shut-up!" Eve and Tara said at once.
"Wildflower I trust you to get WhiteWolf to the Medi-Bay" Alota said
to Wildflower. Wildflower just shrugged seeing to WhiteWolfs
"Eve, when this attack is over, I want to get our DNA test under way"
Tara stared at her seriously, "For now get into your normal gear,
your well enough to help the ship, Zodar get out of your hospital
gear and into your overalls, but stay in bed for now, I want you
moving as least as possible."
Eve went behind a clothing curtain, got out of the patient gown and
her pj's and into her usual practical black attire in a blink of an
eye. Zodar slowly got dressed under his bed sheets secretly hoping
he'd get to fight to protect his ship, his home, but also not wanting
to move to far from his warm comfy bed.
He looked up in time to see Wildflower helping WhiteWolf into Medi-
Bay and rushed over to help, tripping over his left sock that wasn't
on fully yet.
"Zodar!" Eve ran over to his side.
"Oh dear!" Tara cried.
She didn't know who to run to, but Zodar was in Eve's hands so she
helped Wildflower with WhiteWolf, putting him into a clean bed. Eve
got Zodar back to his bed, he mubbled a thanks but wouldn't look up
as he was a little embrassed. Zodar sat down and fixed his sock. Eve
pushed her bed out of the way to be fixed up later, Ares was
uncovered, close to the floor and looked around, relising his postion
he ran out of Medi-Bay and towards the living quarters, home on his
"Allie WhiteWolf is in the medical wing, you can go and see him if
you like but I would rather you fight" Allie left the command deck.
WhiteWolf was all set up in his bed when Allie ran in.
WhiteWolf looked up, somewhat surprised, as Allie burst through the
doors and raced to his side. "Wolfie, honey, are you okay?" "Yeah" he
started. "Sweetie, I can't stay," Allie interrupted. "I have to go
and fight to protect the ship. I just wanted to tell you that I'm so
sorry I haven't been around much lately. I've been having some
trouble with my light bee, leaving my stuck in soft-light, and I
didn't want you to see me so out of control. But, I'm a bit better
now; I stuck my finger in a power outlet and at least I'm back to
hard-light." She leant over and kissed his forehead. "I promise
things will be different from now on. I love you too much to lose
you." She kissed him again. "I have to go now. You stay here and
relax; I'll be back soon." She kissed him once more and raced out of
the room.
WhiteWolf smiled, Allie always seemed to lighten his day.
"Wow, this is too weird" Eve said, "I've only been here seven months,
not even and the number of attacks we've been under, by the crew and
"Exactly, the number of attacks, we'll survive this like we've
survived the others" Zodar said putting his arm around her.
"Zodar's right, we'll survive, we always do" WhiteWolf coughed.
"Save your strength, you may be needed later, we need you to make a
fast recovery" Tara said.
The Comm's opened...
Amber hit the comms in the cockpit of the SE2 and patched it to the
Medi-Bay. "Mum. We have a lot of casualties out here get the medi-bay
ready to receive them" She closed the channel before waiting for a
"Doesn't sound good does it" Wildflower said concerned.
"I'll stay here and help until ordered otherwise, i'm no docter but
i'm a lab assisstant, i do as i'm told and understand big words." Eve
tried to lighten the mood.
"Thanks Eve." Tara was really greatful, all she had was herself and
Wildflower, Eve's extra hands were going to be needed.
"I'll help all i can too" Zodar piped in.
"Me too" WhiteWolf croaked.
"Shhh, somethings not right" Eve held her hand up at everyone.
The space Eagle hit the side of the Blue Dwarf and took out one of
the connecting tunnels to the other ship. It slammed through the
decks like a knife through hot butter. It finally came to a stop, but
Amber didn't notice, she lay, barely breathing, slumped over a blown
out console with blood pouring from a large gash in her head.
"Medi-Bay to Starboard side, Living quarters q12-s6..." Holly
"Lets go Tara!" Eve shouted.
"Wildflower stay here with WhiteWolf and Zodar" Tara ordered.
"Hope it's nothing serious..." Wildflower started.
"Or Keto" Zodar joked, WhiteWolf tried not to laugh.
Tara and Eve grabbed a couple of bags each of equipment and ran out.
"Living quarters q12-s6, q12-s6, why does that sound farmiliar?"
Zodar couldn't shake the feeling he had forgotten something, neither
could Eve.
<tag people>

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