Cower Breif Mortal

Who : Dean, Keto and Satan(Phil)
Where : Parrots
When : After the bording party arrived
"Hey, where's MP?" said Keto, suddenly.Dean was too busy trying to wipe Phil's vomit from his face to reply...
It was at this point that several pirates decided that they wanted a drink...
"We surrender...!" said Dean throwing his hands up and splattering the Pirates with small amounts of vomit.
"what the hell is that?" said one of the pirates pointing at mini-Phil....
"That is the mini-cloned version of our security cheif...?"
"Oh yeah..He looks nothing like Harris!" said one of the pirates
Keto couldn't resist..."No actualy Harris left and he was replaced with...."
Keto never got the chance to finish his sentance.
Dean looked over his shoulder...Phil was awake and in full on Lucifer mode....
"Who the smeg do you think you are then...Phil FeBuggure or something...."
There was a pause from one of the other pirates...some wispering...then the first pirates face fell....
"Run away little man for your bottom and this holowhip have an apoinment....RUN..RUN like a chicken...."
Keto wispered to Dean...."It's like having Doom backa again isn't it..I wonder what happened to him?"
The pirates were getting nervous....Phil was starting to swing the holowhip....Dean and Keto both looked at each other, grabbed MP and dived behind the bar...
They heard the following sounds amid glasses and tables breaking
* Ouch *
* Thud *
* Crash *
* Ohh. me bottom *
* blib*
* crash *
* <silence> *
* <words best not repeated>*
* more Silence *
* sounds of the door opening *
* sounds of some feet running away being chased by more feet going MWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH*
Dean stuck  MP up over the counter...."What can you see?""
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