Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] **Action** \"Parallels pt2\"

Floor 14 - Habitation Deck
'Peace Ship' Blue Dwarf
Kayn walked along the coridors of the 'peace ship' and found it to be in every way similar to the other Blue Dwarf - except for the walls painted bright pink near where his quarters were.
He tried opening the doors, but they came up with a 'locked' sound on the computer. A passing security guard asked Kayn what he was doing. Kayn told him he was looking for his counterpart so the nice security man opened the door for him.
Inside was a teenager, dressed in black leather jacket, denim trousers and hiking boots. His hair was shoulder height and he had a tattoo on his right arm. Down by his side was a thermos flask...
Kayn's double was a maniac.
"What the hell do you want!" shouted the other one as he dented the wall by punching it
"Erm...I for someone" said a rather scared Kayn
Suddenly, six Kayns appeared out of no-where.
"What the hell do you guys want!" the maniac shouted to HIS past, present and future selves. One was older and incarserated in a straightjacket, whilst the other had a huge pentagram mark on his hand and satanist jewelry donning his face. The present self, well, looked the same as the maniac Kayn
"And what are you lot doing here?" Kayn asked his future, present and past selves. A huge argument (Think the stasis leak episode) went underway
"And THIS is why I was locked up!" shouted the maniac, slamming his fist against the door. A security officer outside asked, very politely, if he would kindly stop denting the door.
Ten minutes later
The maniac had huddled into his bunk bed. His present self did the same. The future self could do little and lay down where he fell after going after the 'real' Kayn for a fight. The past self was snoring, praying in his sleep in some in translatable language.
Kayn sat at the padded table where he played cards with his past and future selves.
"This is me right?"
"No...this is you if ONE tiny little insignificiant detail was changed" said the future self blankly
"What detail was that?"
"Al Gore didn't bother with the recounts"
"And that shaped my life?? Just that one pathetic detail?"
" what happened to shape this dimension - to shape you the way you turned out you'd need to go back to your sixth birthday party..."
"The one with the clowns?" The past self chipped in...
"Yes that one"
"What happened then?"
"You cried..." said the maniac present Kayn.
"Oh god..." said the present Kayn...losing at poker against himselves again
"You want a game?" asked the other Kayn in a gruff voice "It's been ages since I played someone decent"
Five minutes and our Kayn was down 70 credits - which made no difference here because everyone shared thier food.
Kayn's Long OOC Afterposts
Erm...nothing about the plan today...yet...
Good luck with getting to recognise your site Onion

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