I'm gonna git you sucker

Who : Phil/Lucifer....and the Pirates
Where : Just past the medi-bay
When : After a Pirate and Phil's holowhip got the know each other
"Unless you can find someone with the same blood type then no.... nothing" Tara held Ambers hand as if holding it would keep the inevitable away........ --------------- end snip ------------
Phil ran past the medibay screaming "MWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (etc)"
Somthing couaght his drunk-riddled, Luficer delusions filled mind he saw a young woamn lying on a bed near the door.
Forgettening about the pirate he raced into the medibay...
"AMBER!" he screamed at the top of voice......Tara stopped him....
"What the bloddy hell happened to her...?" he said, instanty sober at the sight of his daughter
"I want you to sit down and calm down....."
"I am calm now tell me what happened?"
"Before I do that...Where Rufus?"
"He Looking after the armouy for me....Why?"
Tara sat Phil down and exaplained quickly what happened and about the dog fight and Jay...
Phil looked over at his daughter...
He then stood up and calmley walked out the medibay.
"Holly...get a message to WW and Alota....Get them to meet me outside the scince bay..ASAP..."
<<tag WW and/or Allota >>
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