Keto makes a new discovery about peanuts... And get's shut up by th

Who: Dean, Miniphil, Keto, Llyod, Havoc, White Wolf and some unlucky
Where: Parrots.
When: Just after Dean served Marcus full metal tray
As soon as he had gone, Dean, Keto and MP burst out form behind the
bar, in
a paroxsym of coughing, spluttering and retching.
"We, <Cough> should really <splutter> do something!?" gasped Dean.
"Damn, that <gasp> was MP fain......" Keto joined MP belly up, just
Marcus came rushing in.
"Damn forgot my gun!" he yelled, picking it up, and only then
the two bodies on the floor.
"Huh? Where....." he never finished, a different metal tray whacked
him on
the back, and Dean had a weapon, but sadly two unconscious colleagues.
"Hm... I should do something.....stay and fight, or run and fight...."
He was still deciding when Keto and MP cam round.
"Oh, hallo bish." said Dean, looking at them as they got off the
"Shall we do something."
"EEEEEE!!" screeched MP
"I'm guessing that's yes." said Keto, picking up some peanuts
---<End Snerp>---
"Nice handiwork there, Dean. I sure needed it at the moment, since I
wasn't sure how I was going to handle Marcus with this bum shoulder,
arm and leg." Says the corpulent hamster limping out of the shadows
next to the bar on a walking cast while gingerly clutching a bleeding
left shoulder.
"What happened to you?!?" Said Dean
"I made the mistake of trying to remind some scutter about the speed
limit in the halls." replied the vast hamster.
"So our great new hamster Captain got mugged by the least dangerous
thing on the ship... Now I really feel reassured about our safety!"
Muttered Keto sampling a peanut and then tossing it aside accross the
room where upon a bazookoid shell came through the glass and came to
a bouncing landing next to it and went off with a room shaking >>Ka-
Dean, MP, Keto, and White Wolf all dove behind the bar. Then, after
a few seconds of silence, they all got up and looked over the bar and
out into the main room of parrots.
"EEEeeeEEE EEEEEE EEEEEEeeee EEEE" Screeched MP pointing at Keto.
"What is he saying now?" Asked Keto, refering to MP's noise making.
"He says you must have found a Bazookoid attracting peanut." Replied
"I never heard of something so ridiculous. Bazookoid's don't home in
on peanuts." Said Keto, "Here, I'll show you."
Keto grabbed a nearby bowl of peanuts from the bar, picked one out
and tossed it accross the room. It was quickly followed by another
bazookoid shell coming through the front door, which landed next to
it and made a terrifically loud >>Ker-Thund<< as it went off.
The four of them suddenly dived behind the bar again, a second later,
Keto's hand quickly replaced the bowl peanuts back ontop of the bar.
"OW!" Exclaimed the huge hamster as he bumped his bleeding shoulder
on the way down, and muttered, "You know, Now I understand why they
had padded flooring behind the bar at Rough Reginalds place. Remind
me to get some installed here in parrots after this will ya, Dean?"
"Would someone get this... this... >Midget< off my face?" Screamed
MP began opening his mouth, and Miss Lloyds voice was heard, "Is
everyone ok?"
"Hey that's pretty good MP! You know, I saw this XXX rated show
where..." Said Dean, as MP spit out a wibble and went "EEEEE eee
"Quick, put it back in and gimme another one for you!" said Keto
"Miss Lloyd??? Is that you?" Said the huge hamster, poking his head
up over the bar.
Over by the Parrots enterance was Penny Lloyd holding a modified
Bazookoid, who smirked and answered, "Yes, It's me, Commander White
Wolf. I was just helping Havoc try out these motion seeking
bazookoids shells while working to put down the rest of these
Pirates. Apparently, Tom, Dick & Harry discovered that the Pirates
turned into Wibble monsters seem to be easy pacified when you give
them a Pez candy."
The enormous hamster dug his right paw into the lab coat pocket, and
glanced at the pawful of Pez he withdrew, and remarked "So that's
what these are! I thought they were some sort of tableted medicine
like sleeping pills or something, so I mixed them in with Keto's
ointment for good measure before giving it to the pirates."
Keto stood up, Fuming at the discovery of someone purloining his
ointments, and shouted furiously, "You broke into my cabinet, stole
from my precious supply of ointments, and administered them without a
>>medical license<<!?! WWWWHHHHYYYY YYYYYOOOOUUUUU...."
Keto reached his hands up towards the immense hamsters throat as if
to clutch & throttle the life out of him, when the balding image of
Holly with a patch over one eye with a smiley face painted on it
suddenly appeared on a nearby wall monitor and announced, "Arrr, me
mateys - Would the Acting Captain, Commander White Wolf, please
report to medi-bay? Phil feBuggure & Tara Cleavage are in need of
yer assistance. ARGH!"
The prodigious hamster casually reached over and grabbed a nearby
liquor bottle and broke it over Keto's head knocking him unconscious
while saying to his slumping form, "While I'd like to stay and
discuss with you the finer points of what I did Keto, but duty does
call your acting captain, so you can take this up with me later..."
The immense hamster turned towards Penny and ordered while pointing
to Marcus on the floor, "Miss Lloyd, Please toss that Pirate over
there into the brig will you? I may need him for later questioning.
Oh, Um... Holly?"
"ARGH?" replied Holly twisting around and screwing up his face in a
mean scowl.
"Get rid of that ridiculous eye patch & stop that overly testoserone
infused act. And inform the drive room and Phil that I'm on my way,
before I replace you with a more well behaved timex sinclair."
Ordered the Gargantuan hamster as he hobbled out of parrots.
"Arr... I mean... Yes sir, Captain." Replied Holly, suddenly losing
the eye patch and looking slightly pale.
<Tag! Ok Phil, What do you got up your sleeve?>

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