Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Oh bugger there goes the firdge

Where the hell were your comrades when you needed them?
for what seemed liek an age now Jay had been running around the Blue Dwarf, having the odd ruck here and there with a crew member and not once had he seen a fellow pirate.  He paused when a monitor displayed the upper habitation decks, sure enough, there were hundreds of deranged psychos running riot up there.... and even more pirates.....He loaded his rifle, and headed toward the Jefferies tube ready to unload a few rounds into the Blue Dwarf security forces.
He rounded a corner, and ran straight into someone, knocking them both to the floor.
"Either you're very very brave, or your very very stupid" Chrysler muttered getting to his feet, his back to the mysterious stranger.
"Neither Jay, I just want my brother back" that last statement was just as strnage as what hed heard so far, he'd been called 'husband' 'lieutenant' and
He turned and came face to with the hard-light hologram standing before him. He took a step back.
Now HERE was something familiar.
"Jay...its me.."
Chrysler took another step back, getting his bearings.
"You....oh my god..its YOU!!!"
"you remember me dont you" 
she took a step forward, he another back.
"You've got to snap out of it Jay, you're hurting people.
People you care about..just like our brother..."
"I..I have no memory of anything before I woke up on the Rapier...Marcus and Needles...they...they tried to help.."
"But they never told me" he said, more scared than anything.
"They dont know about me"
"But...through all the confusion there was a constant...the nightmares..about..about YOU!" he said "You...being shot...killed, I ...I cant help you...."
"That was no dream Jay it was REAL, before any of this..before any of it, you were here, you're friends, you're WIFE"
"And you..."
"And me"
"Oh god....what I have I done..."  Memories hit Jay like a baseball bat to the nose. 
"'re" he asked.
"We'll discuss that later, right now weve more important things to do, like gettign you're new friends off this ship"
Jay remembered what he'd said to Alota. "Those bastards are gonna PAY!"
"By the you happen to know what the medical technology's like on the pirate ship?"
"Better than ours...well..theres no ointments put it that way. Why?"
"Ambers in bad shape, after you..well., point is she needs a transfusion desperatley but noone aboard had her blood type"
"What is hers?"
"..'ab negative, or..hh negative, but is GELF, noone aboard has it"
"I wouldnt say that..."
"Trust me"
Jay was suddnely thrown to the floor by a stun bolt in the back, he lay sparked out.
Vanessa whirled around. "DEAN!!!!"
<Flyboys back!>

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