Thankyou =)

OOC: Simmer of the Month. Wow! What can I say? It really made my day
(week, month, year hehe) I yelled out Woo Hoo when I found out and
received a few strange looks from other ppl in the computer lab hehe.
I'm very honoured to be selected =) Thankyou.
On another note, apologies for my lack of posting recently. It has
become quite frantic at uni as semester is almost over and exams are
hurtling towards us. I'll be back as soon as I can. In the meantime
here's a short one...
Who: Jo, everyone in the medibay
Where: none other than the medibay
When: Sometime after Amber is abducted
Jo stumbled into the medibay lightheaded with pain and grumpy after
having to walk up four flights of stairs because she shot the express
lift for singing a chirpy polka rendition of "Achey Breaky Heart".
She noticed Tara, slightly frantic about Amber and a number of the
patients trying to calm her down. "Um a little help?" Jo called. No
one seemed to be paying attention.
Jo took a few steps inside the door as another wave of dizzyness and
nausea hit her. She swayed for a moment on her feet. "Anyone mind if
I pass out here? No? Good," she said and collapsed in a heap.
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