Time has no meaning, unless your Dad is involved

Who: Rufus, mini-phil
Where: Science labs
When: Then
The sliding doors swooshed open and Rufus walked into the charred remains of the science labs. He picked up a file from a bench and it crumbled in his hands, then the bench fell appart.
"Oops" Rufus walked around the burned out labs and tripped over the time fridge. "What the.....? Why is there a mangled fridge in the middle of the room" Rufus stuck his head inside.
'This is not an ordinary fridge' Rufus thought to himself looking at all the wires.
"Eeeeeee!" Rufus stood up banging his head on the top of the fridge as he went.
"Really? Dad built it?"
"Eeeeeee eee eeeeee!" said mini-phil.
"Time fridge hey?...... .The possibilities are endless... if you could travel through time you could do anything you wanted!" Rufus eyes glazed over and he pulled off a pannel in the back of the time fridge. "What on earth?! this is so out of date! I could make this half the size it is now!" Rufus gently poked about with his finger then yanked out a bunch of wires. "These are not needed."
---- a few hours later ----
The contents of the time fridge lay strewn about the lab in varing stages of brokeness. Rufus sat back on his heels.
"Uh oh....." The door swooshed open and Rufus was on his feet quicker than a flash. Phil walked in, his face went from shock to sadness then anger when he saw Rufus
"Rufus.... did you do this." Rufus gulped and put on his best 'im innocent' face
"No... dad" he said rather unconvincingly brushing some microchips off his top...<Tag Phil>

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