off to see the wizard

Who : Rufus, MP and Phil
When after rufus fiddled with the fridge
Where : the old blownup scince lab...(thanks jay!)
"Rufus.... did you do this." Rufus gulped and put on his best 'im innocent' face"No... dad" he said rather unconvincingly brushing some microchips off his top...
----- ? ------
Phil squtted down next to the remains of the time fridge...
"Son, I'm....not angry......well, not at you..."
"what do you mean?"
Phil exaplined about the time fridge and what he had planned for it regarding his time loops.
"Bugger about that one heh dad..."
Phil just nodded.. "it is that....."..He looked around and found something...smiling, he picked it up and dragged Rufus behind him..."common, we're offf to see Amber.."
"But Dad...."
"No butts...just follow me?"
"Yes you as well....."
<<Short but I think sweet>>

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