
Who:  Zacks, Cubies, a single Cerebrum, PenfiddleWhere: The Conference Room>      Smith shrugged.  "Sorry, boss.  'E's got an infection."> >      Smith elbowed him.  "You moron.  'E's got an inFLECtion.">      Penfiddle laughed.  "No, boys.  Close, though.  It's called an> inJUNCtion.  And a temporal restraining order.  Touch me, and you'll be> guarding a snowcone vendor at water world in 1962."> >      Smith and Smith, frustrated beyond belief but intimidated by the> lawyer, turned and left the crowded room.
"I didn't want to have to this, Wrenlittle," Cerebrum said. "But you leave me no choice," he reached over and activated the intercom. "Send in my anti-lawyer."
A man in a suit entered through the door. "I am Mr. Jones, from the lawfirm of Duey, Cheatum and Howe. I represent Dr Cerebrum in all matters in which a lawyer is involved. My speciality is anti-lawyer cases. I am the counter to any lawyer, and I shall now counter Mr. Penfiddle easily."
"Preposterous," Penfiddle snorted. "That is the most absurbd allegation I have ever been an earwitness too."
"You mean ridiculous," Jones corrected. "That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. That's what you meant."
"How dare you correct me! Incomphrenshible statements and weasel words are primary necessities for an attorney."
"And by countering them I shall destroy you. And that's difficult words and requirements for an attorney. As you can see, the light side of law shall prevail. There is no complicated sentence you can say that I cannot reduce into words that the layman can understand."
"Never!" Penfiddle yelled. "I shall bisect you first!" then pulled out a lightsabar.
"You mean cut in half," Jones corrected, wielding his lightsabar. With a cry of fury, Penfiddle attacked, and the two soon battled their way out of the room, into the hallway.
"Now, where were we?" Cerebrum said, after the lawyer and anti-lawyer had exited the room. "Ah yes, there appear to be thirty Zacks and thirty Cubies. Just a minute," then he produced a blue pill and swallowed it. A minute later, he said. "You're all still here, therefore, you must be real. Now, I believe Cubie was saying that Zack constantly gets you two into trouble?"

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