You\'ve Got Mail... (Part 2)

Who: Zodar
Where: Engine Room
Zodar had a sudden feeling of "Oh well...” shrugged, and began to read his mail.
<End Snip>
-3 hours later-
"Hows it going dude?" asked Holly, following up on his earlier message.
Zodar had been sorting his mail into 4 unique piles: Old, Stupid, New and New - Urgent.
So far the stupid pile was winning 4 to 1 over the Old pile, and the Old pile was in second place.
"Old, old, stupid, old, old, hey what's this?" Said Chris, fumbling for an envelope that looked important. It had some markings on it that Chris couldn't make out, or understand, but the paper the sender had used was of a very fine quality; almost not paper at all, almost a fabric. The envelope was coloured in many colours, but the main colour was a vibrant Purple.
Somehow, Zodar knew that this was no ordinary letter telling him that he'd left on the lights on his space buggy and could he please turn them off, or that because he hadn't turned the lights off on his space buggy within 2 cycles of the first notice, the buggy was now being towed to a wrecking yard and the parts scavenged to be sold to intergalactic traders that had a lust for squeaky seating fixtures. No, this letter held inside it more than he could ever have imagined - Further reading revealed that he was to be visited by some sort of royal committee consisting of 6 members. Aliens. They would arrive in 54 earth days from the sending of the letter. Chris counted on his fingers how many days had passed in that time and worked out that in 5 days they would arrive. But what the hell would they want with him?
He hoped that they were peaceful and that he could get an approval in time...
<To Be Continued>

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