OOC-more website stats

More website stats!
You can tell where people have found the site from, and apparently you can
get our crew roster pages by searching on google.
Someone found Cerebrum's bio page by searching for "schizophrenics and
Phil's page was found by someone searching for "fear of crabs"!
the appendix's bio was found by the words "weird sayings/quotes"
Katrina swete was found by someone typing "5'2 125lbs"
David "Onion" Ball
Captain Seymour Niples, JMC Blue Dwarf
He went to kiss her, but remembering her recent wave of vomiting, thought
better of it and went to kiss her hand. The first one he went for was
covered in vomit, so he changed his mind and went for the other. That one
was covered in blood.
What a predicament for a gentleman.
(Katrina Swete+Seymour Niples, BlueDwarf.co.uk)
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