The simmer of the Month(SOTM) award for June!

June was a rather interesting month, we had several older characters
resurface with a vengeance, which made my task of choosing the best
simmer a very difficult one from all the plots we had going for while
there. There was - The antics of Phil & Mini-phil for one, and
Patrick Cerebrum with a really funny run of ideas, including, but not
the least of which was, cloning 5,000 Jay's, and a Anti-lawyer for
another. And there was a really intriguing 'Return of King Seymour'
subplot, along with Dooms sudden 'Moment of clarity'.
But I think you'll all agree we're practically out of room on the
Blue Dwarf with our new June SOTM Winners - Zack & Cubie Richards.
:: Clap, Clap :: :: Whistles & Cheering ::
Congratulations, AJ!!! You may be a Staffus Eternus with the Army,
but your a SOTM Winner here! ;)
Ok Everybody - Remember, you've got another chance to win the next
months SOTM award! So get those creative juices flowing & post 'em!
- White Wolf
Commander and acting Captain of the Blue Dwarf

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